Western Local School Board Policies
Western Local Schools Board Policies
Western Local Board of Education Policies
Western Education Association Contract
Links to Certificated Salary Schedules
5 Year Forecast (Updated 6/22)
5 Year Forecast (updated 11/22)
Extra-Curricular Positions and Salaries
Bid Notices/Specification
The Western Board of Education, being elected by the voters of Western Local School District, recognizes the obligation to inform the citizens of the policies, problems, and progress of the educational system. The Board also believes that the success of the schools in this district is very directly related to the understanding, active interest, participation, and support of the citizens of the district. The Western Board of Education offers educational and employment opportunities without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, or age.
Western Local Board of Education Members
Brad Marhoover, President
Rick Satterfield, Vice President
Sherry Hall
Cody Leeth
Debbie Grooms
Tyler Cooper, Treasurer
*Board meetings held the 2nd Monday of each month @ 6pm unless circumstance necessitate a temporary change