December 8, 2017
PreK-6 Christmas Musical-Monday, December 11 at 6:00 in Jr. High Gym-
Students arrive at 5:30
November 20, 2017
Meet the team for winter sports for grades 7-12. We will be having pulled pork and sides starting at 6 PM, and announcing teams around 7. The meal will be donations only to he...

October 20, 2017
Red Ribbon Week theme days for the week of October 23-31. Participate, be cool, and don't do drugs!

October 3, 2017
Join us for our Family Literacy Night for grades PreK-3 on Thursday, October 5th from 5:30-6:30 in the Primary/Elementary cafeteria. Pete the Cat will be here!
September 14, 2017
Western Junior High/High School Picture Day is scheduled for Wednesday, September 27. Need a picture form? Pick one up in the high school office.

September 5, 2017
Atomic Credit Union will open for students on September 13. If you would like to open an account for your child, please contact the school.

August 21, 2017
If someone would've told me that we would be having OFFICIAL REAL LEGAL OHSAA SANCTIONED football practice in Latham, Ohio I would've told him that he was crazy. If someone would...

August 21, 2017
Schedule for Driver Education classes being held at Waverly High School.

August 9, 2017
Atomic Credit Union would like to announce the opening of the
Indians Student-Run Credit Union at Western schools this fall!
When asked why she
wanted to bring the Indians St...

August 9, 2017
Kindergarten Camp will be August 14-August 18 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. for any new Kindergarten student that will be attending Western. This is a voluntary event and not mand...

August 7, 2017
Congratulations WHS senior Kylie Tong!!!! WHS students crowned the fair queen two out of past three years with four of five contestants being this year being WHS students!!! We ar...

July 6, 2017
Four Latham Kids in the Pike County Fair Court!!!!! Congratulations Taylor Lambert, Kylie Tong, Katie Miller, and Destiny Montgomery (also Kara Blanton whose parents both are for...

May 31, 2017
Congratulations to the Western High School Class of 2017. The C/O 2017 received over $200,000 in pledged scholarship money and graduates earned over 300 semester hours of transfe...

May 16, 2017
The High School Drama Club will perform Shrek The Musical this weekend. Showings are Friday @ 7, Saturday @ 2 and 7, and Sunday @ 2. Please make plans to attend one of the showi...

May 9, 2017
Everyone is gearing up for the prom this weekend!!! Miss Reed and the prom committee will be working hard to make the weekend memorable for everyone. We're praying for great mem...

May 9, 2017
Congratulations to the Lady Indians on a sectional semi-final win against New Boston. Now on to the championship game on Thursday against Fairfield in Leesburg!!! Good Luck!!!!

May 9, 2017
We want to give a big thank you to everyone who came out to our district art show last week. It was a tremendous success and a team effort. A special thank you goes to Mrs. Clif...